Butterflies and high-key, a good combination?
Sometimes you simply don't have a choice...
Last Summer:
Finally... in the Netherlands once more. Holiday. Well deserved... I thought at least back then. After a few days of crappy weather the forecasts changed and sun was predicted! On that first predicted sunny day, a friend and I, decided to visit Het Groene Woud (The Green Forest) which is an area located in North-Brabant. It includes the Kampina Nature Reserve, which was going to be our final destination. The plan: find and photograph Silver-studded Blues (Plebejus argus) during the early morning light. Crap... upon arrival at 5.30 a.m. it was still very cloudy and there were only sporadic sun rays to work with. Plan A 'move to trash bin'... Plan B 'move from draft to inbox'. So when the sun eventually did come out properly the light was instantly harsh, which provided us with an opportunity to work in black and white, a little abstract and high-key, something I at least enjoy a lot. One of the biggest challenges, in my opinion, when it comes to macro photography is then to create a 'clean' shot. Not too much fuzz in the background, like distracting clouds or a background full of leaves, branches or other unnecessary bits. Well, as said, that's my opinion...
One of the first shots I took that day can be seen below.
I liked the results and it seemed that my followers on social media liked some of those results as well. Had to go out again. Had that urge to come home with more of these images. Just had to...
Visiting Viroinval in Belgium had been on my wish list for a few years already so decided to visit the place during the last day of my holiday in the Netherlands and combine black and white, a little abstract, high-key and butterflies once more. There was one particular image I had in my mind though. A Marbled White (Melanargia galathea) framed by simplicity. Enclosed... One happy man...
As I heard that it might be possible to find some Chalkhill Blues (Polyommatus coridon), I decided to give that subject a 'go' as well. Well I never expected to find so many, and certainly not in a position like this for over 20 minutes. Lots of opportunities to fiddle around with high-key compositions once more.
Well, butterflies and high-key, a good combination? Judge for yourself... Send me a personal note via the contact page if you like and share your opinion. I appreciate all views.